Embark on a journey through the visionary minds of Nienke Hoogvliet (1989) and Dave Hakkens (1988), pioneers of contemporary Dutch Design. In a world grappling with depleting resources and energy scarcity, Nienke and Dave represent a new wave of designers transcending traditional boundaries between art, design, and science.
Director Ton van Zantvoort guides you through the unique visions of Nienke and Dave, united by a shared commitment to change the world. Nienke focuses on revolutionizing the fashion industry, exploring sustainable applications of seaweed, including its use in eco-friendly paint production.
On the other side, Dave’s ambitious Kamp project aims to establish a self-sustaining community in Portugal with a minimal carbon footprint. With nine hectares of land, he brings his open-source blueprint for a new society to life.
Join us in this thought-provoking documentary celebrating the ingenuity of Nienke and Dave, their unwavering determination to shape a sustainable future, and the convergence of art, design, and science. Witness the spirit of change as these pioneers shape tomorrow.
What role could design play in addressing global challenges?